kalveygroup.com – In this post, we will cover a sample code on how to connect your Alibaba Cloud Log Service with custom software using .NET, specifically C# programming language.

The sample code aims to help fellow developer to create their own system. 

1. List Logs

            String endpoint = "your project region endpoint",
                accesskeyId = "your accesskey id",
                accessKey = "your access key",
                project = "",
                logstore = "";
            LogClient client = new LogClient(endpoint, accesskeyId, accessKey);
            //init http connection timeout
            client.ConnectionTimeout = client.ReadWriteTimeout = 10000;
            //list logstores
            foreach (String l in client.ListLogstores(new ListLogstoresRequest(project)).Logstores)

2. Put Logs

            PutLogsRequest putLogsReqError = new PutLogsRequest();
            putLogsReqError.Project = project;
            putLogsReqError.Topic = "dotnet_topic";
            putLogsReqError.Logstore = logstore;
            putLogsReqError.LogItems = new List<LogItem>();
            for (int i = 1; i <= 10; ++i)
                LogItem logItem = new LogItem();
                logItem.Time = DateUtils.TimeSpan();
                for (int k = 0; k < 10; ++k)
                    logItem.PushBack("error_" + i.ToString(), "invalid operation");
            PutLogsResponse putLogRespError = client.PutLogs(putLogsReqError);

3. Query Logs

            GetLogsRequest getLogReq = new GetLogsRequest(project,
                DateUtils.TimeSpan() - 100,
            GetLogsResponse getLogResp = client.GetLogs(getLogReq);
            Console.WriteLine("Log count : " + getLogResp.Logs.Count.ToString());
            for (int i = 0; i < getLogResp.Logs.Count; ++i)
                var log = getLogResp.Logs[i];
                Console.WriteLine("Log time : " + DateUtils.GetDateTime(log.Time));
                for (int j = 0; j < log.Contents.Count; ++j)
                    Console.WriteLine("\t" + log.Contents[j].Key + " : " + log.Contents[j].Value);

4. Query Histogram

            GetHistogramsResponse getHisResp = client.GetHistograms(new GetHistogramsRequest(project, 
                DateUtils.TimeSpan() - 100, 
            Console.WriteLine("Histograms total count : " + getHisResp.TotalCount.ToString());

5. Get Shards

            ListShardsResponse listResp = client.ListShards(new ListShardsRequest(project, logstore));
            Console.WriteLine("Shards count : " + listResp.Shards.Count.ToString());

6. Get Logs (Batch)

            for (int i = 0; i < listResp.Shards.Count; ++i)
                //get cursor
                String cursor = client.GetCursor(new GetCursorRequest(project, logstore, listResp.Shards[i], ShardCursorMode.BEGIN)).Cursor;
                Console.WriteLine("Cursor : " + cursor);
                BatchGetLogsResponse batchGetResp = client.BatchGetLogs(new BatchGetLogsRequest(project, logstore, listResp.Shards[i], cursor, 10));
                Console.WriteLine("Batch get log, shard id : " + listResp.Shards[i].ToString() + ", log count : " + batchGetResp.LogGroupList.LogGroupList_Count.ToString());