Alibaba Cloud MVP – What is that? Taken from the Alibaba MVP Site, Alibaba Cloud Most Valuable Professional (MVP) is an award for thought leaders who are devoted to helping others fully understand and use Alibaba Cloud technologies.
It’s interesting to know that Alibaba Cloud really values everyone who contributes to Alibaba Cloud. The Alibaba Cloud MVP Award itself is held periodically throughout the year. The benefits received by an MVP itself are incredible, here are some benefits that can be received by people who pass the MVP certification:
1. MVP Package
2. Technical Sessions with Alibaba Cloud Experts
3. Exclusive MVP Training
4. Invitation to Global MVP Annual Summit
5. International Exposure
6. Nomination to Create@AlibabaCloud
And many more to go. Check out the rest of the benefits on their website
How interesting the benefits that can be received by MVP. Admin himself even wants to try to register himself as an MVP if there is a chance.
They even have several tier on Alibaba Cloud MVP! Check this image to get a better understanding on the MVP Tier!

Now you definitely want to know how to register as an MVP right? Here are some requirements that must be met to be able to register as an MVP

You can find more information about Alibaba Cloud MVP award on their website – Click Here
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